Map of the World

Gaenor's Quest: The Red Light of Dawn

It isn't much of a map, really, just some lines in various colors on a sheet of a gray legal pad, but that was enough for me to keep track of various places mentioned in the text. The careful viewer may notice where I scratched out some of the ink lines on national borders and a really careful look may expose the fact that Mishanda had another name when I drew the map (but not by the time I started writing!) It may get redrawn some day, or not, depending on whether I need a cleaner version or if later books in the series add so many new places that I have trouble reading this map. Click on the thumbnail map to view and download a full-sized copy.


I draw terrible maps. I know that. I even know why. A map intended for publication really ought to be done on a far larger scale than I drew these, that way there would actually be room to fill in all the locations in a clear and legible manner. However, to tell the truth the maps I've drawn for these stories were not really intended for publication. I just used them to help plot and to help avoid continuity errors.

However, Moshe Harel came to my rescue recently and took a stab at making the maps of the World both more colorful and easier to read and I think he did a super job of it.